domenica 13 giugno 2004

Testi di musica celtica: Capercaillie, Port Na Caillich (The Old Crone)

Artista: Capercaillie

Album: Choice Language

Brano: 3

I Capercaillie hanno imparato questa canzone da registrazioni sul campo presso la scuola di Studi Scozzesi, dal canto di Margareth MacKay di Harris.

'Nuair a théid mi chon na féill

Bidh a' chailleach as mo dhéidh,

Casadaich am beul a cle'ibh

'S fheudar dhomb bhith suidhe rithe.

(Refrain,sung twice):

'S fheudar dhomh bhith suidhe, suidhe,

'S fheudar dhomh bhith suidhe rithe.

Thig mi dhachaidh on bhuain:

Bhithinn gu h-airsnealach fuar.

Gheibhinn dhan a' phròs fhuar

Làn na coiseduibhe dheth.

Thiginn dachaidh on chrann:

Bhithinn gu h-airsnealach fann.

Chithinn a' rud nach biodh ann-

Sambla 's i 'na suidhe rium.

Thiginn dachaidh On nì:

Bhithinn gu h-airsnealach sgìth

Dheaghainn a laighe liom fhin,

'S shìn i 'cnamhan dubha rium.

Mìle beannachd* aig gill' òg

A phòsadh cailleach dha dheòin:

A dh'aindeoin airgiod na òr

Leòn a cnamhan dubha mi.

Mìle beannachd aig an eug:

'S iomadh fear dhan d' rinn e feum.

Thug e leis mo chailleach fhéin

'S éibhinn liom gun d' shiubhail i.


When I go to market

The old crone comes after me

Coughing her lungs out,

And I have to sit and wait for her.

I come home from the harvest work

Worn out and cold,

To get cold brose,

A whole cas dubh full.

I'd come home from ploughing

Worn out and weak:

I'd see things that weren't there

This spectre sitting beside me.

I'd come home from the cattle

Worn out and weary:

I'd go to lie down by myself

And she stretched her black bones (? ) beside me.

A thousand blessings* on any young lad

Who'd willingly marry an old crone:

Never mind silver or gold

Her black bones mangled me.

A thousand blessings on Death:

He has relieved many a man.

He took away my own old crone

I'm delighted that she's dead

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